Hearts of Heroes

Name of Hero: Wanda and Tom Schofield

Hero City: Factoryville, PA

Submitted by: Tina Rensel

My parents are Tom and Wanda. They have been in the volunteer fire company for more than thirty years. Today Tom is currently the President of the Fire Company and my mother is President of the Relief Association and Ambulance Captain. They both are EMTs, teach the course for future EMTs, and hold other certifications as well. They both have always had full time jobs too. My parents have helped more people than I can count, have witnessed more sadness than a single person should endure, have come home with smokefilled eyes and black fireman jackets, and have too many stories to recognize only one. The one thing that stays the same through every accident, every fire, every ambulance call, every community activity, is their heart. They not only risk their lives to save others, but they have given and shared their heart with not just our family, but with their community. They give so much of themselves and their time, and in return they ask for nothing. You can see it in their eyes the passion they have for all of this. They laugh, they cry, they wake up, and would do it all over again. My story is a story to say Thank You along side of all the other heroes posted on this site. Thank you for sharing your life and heart with so many people.

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