Too Many to Choose Only One

Submitted by: Joy Polley

My first experience with an amazing first responder begins with my Dad. He has been a Volunteer Firefighter for as long as I can recall. He is a shining example of the dedication it takes to give up your time freely to help those in need. In recent years he has also become trained as a medical first responder, is part of the emergency response team and teaches first aid in the community. While holding down his full time job as a school bus driver.
I swelled with pride the day my husband also chose the path of selfless service with our community volunteer department. Through his involvment with the department I have met other amazing men and women that not only show the dedication while in emergency situations but also are the first ones there when ever anyone needs a hand whether it be a reno project or a lend of a lawnmower. There is a deep sense of comradery within the department and they become like family. I also had the privledge of running into an old friend in not the best of circumstances. My grandmother suffered a heartattack, immediately I sent someone to call 911 and spend the next five minutes keeping her comfortable while panicing on the inside. And old friend walked into the room wearing his EHS uniform and a wave of calm came over me.
Thanks so much Dave for writing this great song. Many of the first responders do this without seeking recognition or praise, but they certainly deserve the honour your words convey.

2 replies
  1. Catherine Byrne says:

    I live in a rural area, and we have a volunteer fire dept. This summer, all around us, we have been inundated with wild fires, mostly fought by volunteers. My thanks to all who do their job without pay, just for the love of others.

  2. Johanna Burton says:

    Thanks for your words. I could never truly convey the feelings the sound of sirens gave to me that afternoon in May. I survived, in part, because of those folks that rode those sirens and I shall be forever grateful.

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