The Day that Time Stopped

Name of Hero: Steven

Hero City: Pampa

Submitted by: Erica

My husband has been in law enforcement for 15 years. And being in this line of work you never know if they are coming home to you or what will happen. On this one particular day he was working night shift and was called out to a fight. When he arrived on scene he was informed that is was actually an argument between spouses. He had asked the husband to step out of the house and the next thing you know the man had walked away back into the house and ended up getting a gun. The man was able to get a shot off at my husband and he was hit in chest. Thank GOD for the bullet proof vest that they have to wear. My husband was also hit in the right hip just below his duty belt. The other man was also hit by return fire from my husband. I was one of the EMT’s on call that night and ended up having to care for the man who shot my husband. The only way I was able to do that was through the shear strength of my husband. He told me he was fine and that the other man needed help worse than he did. So my husband was left in the hands of others. So by his words and the grace of GOD I was able to keep working. That night when I heard his words over the radio of “shots fired, I’m hit” my world came to a stop. He is now fine and recovered but life is still too precious to know what will happen. He has continued in the same line of work and for that I am very proud.

One Gave All

Hero City: Howell

Submitted by: Lucas VanWoert

We were responding to a call at a high school. we are the local Fire Department, while on scene two trucks were able to hold the fire at bay, but we still needed to evacuate the building. since two trucks (about 13 men) had it under control, the other units (including myself) responded to other calls on this busy night. One of our Lieutenants was the last to walk out of the building, on his way out, part of the ceiling caved in on his head. our paramedic responders couldnt get to him in time. the call came out Wednesday, September 11, 2013 @ 17:15 (9/11/2013 5:15pm). He lived and died a hero. The date claimed another great man

The day that started it all

Name of Hero: Bothell Fire and EMS

Hero City: Bothell, WA

Submitted by: Kelly

Since my full time job was “taxi mom” in May of 2008, I was driving a friend of my daughter’s home. Unfortunately a 19 year old was racing another car and we both pick the same spot to be in at the same time. Since he was going almost double the speed limit and I was making a much slower than the speed limit left turn in front of him, the front end of his car plowed into the door 6″ to my left.

Thank God my daughter wasn’t with us and her friend only broke her ankle. I, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. Bothell Fire & EMS showed up and pulled out my barely alive body then kept it alive until they got me to the ER.

About year later my family threw a thank you party for everyone that surrounded our family with support to get us through that year. Some of the amazing people that saved my life came to that party!

A couple of us asked them how they got me out of my van, and when I heard what they had to do, I realized just how amazing these people are.

This is a video of that party with some of the heroes from Bothell Fire & EMS, and the van they found and had to get me out of is at the beginning: